Great test content and provides really detailed explanation for the solutions. Was really useful for my niece during her selective tests. Highly recommend for parents looking to get their kids through the “test rigour” early.
Thinking Skills | Mathematical Reasoning
English Reading & Writing
Selective High School | Opportunity Class | NAPLAN
HAST | G&T | Private School Scholarship Exams
Australian Curriculum Covered
We have a team of highly experienced educators for all subjects. All our educators are well-versed Australian curriculum and exams.
Our experienced content creation team has created exclusive worksheets and practice tests for all years based on Australian curriculum.
Our educators share weekly performance feedback and also record the performance metrics in system to analyse performance growth.
Our tutoring is backed by an advanced IT platform to enable ease in tutoring, attending classes online, completing worksheet assignments, assessment, and feedback.
Our educators can be connected outside the tutoring class for any queries or questions student may have. Our commitment doesn't end just with the tutoring class.
We believe in a 100% Satisfaction policy. You can cancel your subscription anytime and your remaining amount will be refunded.
Team Of Experienced Educators+
Years Of Australian Tutoring Experience+
happy onboarded students and Parents+
Average Educator Experience